Woodhouse Property Blog

This blog follows the property market in Cheshunt and surrounding areas and provides you with information you actually need to know.

We hope to provide an analysis of how the property market in Cheshunt is performing so we can provide you with helpful tips, information and guidance on Buying, Selling and Renting properties in Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Goffs Oak, Cuffley, Broxbourne and Hoddesdon.

We will also keep you informed of the many exciting new developments happening in the area together with the opportunities these will bring such as Brookfield Village, Cheshunt Lakeside and the proposed Sunset Waltham Cross Studios.

You will also find helpful impartial advice for Cheshunt Landlords, new and experienced, with recommendations on Buy-to-Let opportunities from all agents offering the best returns and capital growth so you can make informed decisions.

How to Protect Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Rental Properties during a Recession

How to Protect Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough  Rental Properties during a Recession

Recessions hit everyone right where it hurts: in the pocket. Everyone feels the pinch as prices rise and the cost of living spirals. Homeowners face the prospect of higher mortgage rates and rising bills. But what about landlords? Are they the Teflon of a credit crunch?  

According to finance experts at Investopedia, landlords not only survive recessions, but they thrive, as renting becomes more appealing than buying in the economic downturn. After all, owning rental properties guarantees them an income, or does it?  

In this quick read, we look at why landlords aren’t always immune to recessions and ways you can protect your rental portfolio.

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Tips for Keeping Cheshunt Pets Happy on Bonfire Night

Tips for Keeping Cheshunt Pets Happy on Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the 5th of November… when the sky lights up, the bangs and booms of fireworks disturb your TV time, and your poor pets are driven to distraction by noise and flashing lights. 

Yes folks, it’s Bonfire Night and whilst we all enjoy oohing and ahhing at pretty fireworks, spare a thought for pet owners who have to work extra hard to keep their little (or large) loves calm. 

Here’s our quick guide on keeping your pooches and other pets safe and sound during the festivities. 

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Keep Calm and Carry On: Dealing with Property Chain Uncertainty in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough

Keep Calm and Carry On: Dealing with Property Chain Uncertainty in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough

The economic events of recent months have prompted plenty of to-ing and fro-ing in the housing market. 

While some buyers and sellers in Cheshuntand Broxbourne Borough have paused to consider their situations, others have put their foot on the gas to get deals swiftly across the line.

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Three Fears That Haunt Landlords and How to Avoid Them

Three Fears That Haunt Landlords and How to Avoid Them

You’ll see plenty of ghosts and ghouls trick-or-treating tonight, but here are three frightening scenarios that haunt landlords all year round. 

Being a landlord can sometimes be unpredictable – but the experience is much less scary if you have a good letting agent on your side. Read on to find out why.

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Woodhouse Property Consultants have been serving the community of Cheshunt since 1996.
We care about the place and the people who call it home.
And that’s why we’ve created this guide to coping with the increasing cost of living.
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Tips to Prevent Your Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Sale from Falling Through

Tips to Prevent Your Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Sale from Falling Through

A third of all property sales collapse before completion. How can you ensure yours isn’t one of them? Read on to find out. 

Selling a property isn’t a sprint; it can be a marathon. It takes time to market a home, find the best buyer, agree on a price and then deal with the legal paperwork. So, it’s all the more frustrating when a deal collapses – especially if you’re within touching distance of the finish line.  

But with reports of around 31% of property sales falling through before completion, is it simply a case of bad luck? Or are there ways to minimise your chances of disappointment? 

While there’s never a 100% guarantee you’ll complete your deal, it’s useful to understand the reasons why sales collapse so that you can take steps to avoid them.

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All in the Mind – Unlocking Cheshunt Home Buyers’ Emotions

All in the Mind – Unlocking Cheshunt Home Buyers’ Emotions

We’re estate agents, not mind magicians like Derren Brown, but recently, we’ve been delving into the psychological aspects of home buying.

It’s fascinating stuff.

For sellers, it can offer invaluable insights, helping them better understand how they (and their estate agent) can achieve the best possible price for their home.

Buying a home is not just a financial transaction; it’s a deeply emotional journey influenced by many psychological factors.

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5 Tips to Avoid Delays When Selling Your Cheshunt Home

5 Tips to Avoid Delays When Selling Your Cheshunt Home

Selling your home is a big decision that comes with a lot of responsibility. In addition to decluttering and making repairs, you also need to find a good estate agent (we can help you with that) and speak to a mortgage broker if you need a mortgage to finance your next move.

But there's another critical aspect of the process that often gets overlooked: conveyancing. Conveyancing is the legal process of transferring ownership of a property from one person to another. It can be a complex and lengthy process, so it's important to take steps to avoid delays.

Here are five tips to help you avoid delays when selling your Cheshunt home:

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The Interior Design Trends to Look Out for in Cheshunt in 2023

The Interior Design Trends to Look Out for in Cheshunt in 2023

If you’re thinking of freshening up the interior of your home this year, here’s a list of what’s trending on the design front. 

Are you planning a mega makeover in 2023? Or perhaps you just want to make some modest changes to breathe new life into your home? Whether your project is big or small, here are some design ideas to inspire you. 

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Tips for Keeping Cheshunt Pets Happy on Bonfire Night

Tips for Keeping Cheshunt Pets Happy on Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the 5th of November… when the sky lights up, the bangs and booms of fireworks disturb your TV time, and your poor pets are driven to distraction by noise and flashing lights. 

Yes folks, it’s Bonfire Night and whilst we all enjoy oohing and ahhing at pretty fireworks, spare a thought for pet owners who have to work extra hard to keep their little (or large) loves calm. 

Here’s our quick guide on keeping your pooches and other pets safe and sound during the festivities. 

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Woodhouse Property Consultants have been serving the community of Cheshunt since 1996.
We care about the place and the people who call it home.
And that’s why we’ve created this guide to coping with the increasing cost of living.
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Six Things Cheshunt Households Can Do around the Home to Save Energy

Six Things Cheshunt Households Can Do around the Home to Save Energy

With winter around the corner, there’s still time to make changes at home to minimise your energy usage and save on your bills. 

There’s no getting around it: we’ll all be paying more for our energy this winter. But by making a few simple changes at home, you can trim back your energy usage. 

While much of the energy-saving advice that has been dished out so far relates to behavioural change – things like using your boiler less and turning off the lights – there are also some DIY measures that can help. 

And the good news is that these energy efficiency changes will also cut your carbon footprint and save you money for years to come.




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World Smile Day: Why Grinning is Winning

World Smile Day: Why Grinning is Winning

They say the best things in life are free, so here’s a quick and easy way to brighten someone’s day that won’t cost you a penny – but will make you feel good. 

He may have been known as ‘Cranky Franky’, but crooner Frank Sinatra is responsible for popularising a very cheery message that has stood the test of time. 

Sixty years ago, he enjoyed a hit with When You’re Smiling, a tune best known for the catchy lyrics “When you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you”. 

Cynics may think the song’s theme is a little cheesy, but research has shown it’s actually true. Smiling is contagious and good for our health. Let us explain why. 

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How to Clean Your Home (and Save Money) the Natural Way

How to Clean Your Home (and Save Money) the Natural Way

Sometimes (or very occasionally), there’s nothing better than doing a big clean. But have you ever thought about what you’re cleaning with? Every polish, spray and cleaning solution we use contains hundreds of chemicals, yet we liberally spray them all over the surfaces we cook on and eat off. 

Could there be a better way? Can you get the same results with chemical-free products? Supermarkets offer many natural, toxin-free products, but why pay through the nose when you can make your own. 

Here’s a round-up of some of the best natural cleaning solutions you can use to spruce up your cleaning routine.


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Youth Mental Health Day and Why It Matters

Youth Mental Health Day and Why It Matters

Mental health used to be taboo, but thankfully, nowadays it’s more open for discussion. But while we’re all more aware of it, are we doing enough to help and empower young people who may be experiencing problems?  

September 19th marks Youth Mental Health Day (YMHD), an initiative to raise awareness and understanding around mental wellbeing and to encourage young people to live happy, healthy lives.

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Seven Tips to Get Young People Reading

Seven Tips to Get Young People Reading

In the lead-up to International Literacy Day on 8 September, this article shares ways to promote good literacy skills among children and teenagers.


To quote The Cat in the Hat creator Dr Seuss, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” 

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How to Ease Your Children Back into School

How to Ease Your Children Back into School

As term time approaches, those endless days of trying to entertain your bored and restless kids are almost over. No more surly teenagers sleeping until 2pm, no more grumpy children hounding you for snacks – it’s time to get ready for school.

This back-to-school guide looks at some easy ways to get the September term off to a good start. 

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Equity Release: A Great Idea Or Just Another Loan?

Equity Release: A Great Idea Or Just Another Loan?

Have you heard of ‘unlocking the value of your home’? Do you know what it’s all about? If you’re over 55, chances are you’ve seen or heard this phrase several times from targeted advertising.


While ‘unlocking value’ might sound like an elaborate spiritual journey or magic trick, instead, it’s quite dull and refers to equity release.  


So, what is equity release? Is it a good idea? How does it work?


In this quick read, we go through the essentials. 

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Support Your Local Foodbank

Support Your Local Foodbank

Food Banks Need You


The cost of living crisis is affecting more people than ever, and sadly, it’s set to get worse, as more and more households are turning to food banks to supplement their supplies.


Research by the Trussell Trust – a support network for food banks across the UK – found that 2.1 million emergency parcels were distributed between April 2021 and March 2022, a 14% rise from the previous year.


With these statistics in mind, what can you do to support your local food bank?

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Three Dud TikTok Hacks Homeowners Should Ignore

Three Dud TikTok Hacks Homeowners Should Ignore

The DIY hacks you see on TikTok may be entertaining to watch, but they can also be dumb and even downright dangerous. A three-minute read. 

TikTok is awash with amateur handymen and women dishing out tips, but just how practical and accurate is this advice? 

When confused.com asked an expert handyman to rate the quality of DIY videos on TikTok, he deemed 39% of the content to be ‘rubbish’ or ‘poor’.


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How to Smarten Up Your Kitchen on a Tight Budget

How to Smarten Up Your Kitchen on a Tight Budget

Discover how to make your kitchen look fresh and modern without spending a fortune in this two-minute read.

Smartening up your kitchen is an excellent way to wow buyers and add value. If you can’t afford a full-scale high-end refurbishment, try these cost-saving DIY tips.

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Six Ways to Celebrate National Gardening Week in Cheshunt

Six Ways to Celebrate National Gardening Week in Cheshunt

Do something positive for you, your community, and the planet’s health by celebrating National Gardening Week. A two-minute read.

There’s nothing quite like a bit of digging, watering, or pruning to calm the nerves and soothe the soul.

Gardening is good for our mental and physical health, reducing the risk of depression, osteoporosis, and stroke and – added bonus alert – it’s great for the environment, too!



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Is the Internet Frying Your Brain?

Is the Internet Frying Your Brain?

What impact do constant scrolling and swiping have on your ability to focus, reflect, and connect? A two-minute read.


If you can’t read two pages of a book without getting twitchy or struggle to go for an hour without checking social media, then you’re not alone.


A recent study by tech giant Microsoft found that the human attention span has shrivelled by 25% in just a few years. It’s just one of a growing number of studies suggesting that in the digital age, our ability to focus is decreasing.

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Want Lower Mortgage Payments? Go Green

Want Lower Mortgage Payments? Go Green

If you’re taking out a new mortgage or about to refinance your property, have you considered a green mortgage? No? Never heard of it? Well, that’s what we’re here for.

A green mortgage is not actually new. In fact, the concept was first launched about 30 years ago but wasn’t used much. However, in the last few years, green mortgages have been gaining momentum, and are being offered by more and more high-street lenders.

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Heat pump grants – and how to get one for Cheshunt Homeowners

Heat pump grants – and how to get one for Cheshunt Homeowners

A new scheme offering heat pump grants worth up to £6,000 to homeowners in England and Wales launches this week. We look at who is eligible to get heat pump grants from the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, how to apply and how heat pumps work.

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Agents Versus Algorithms – What’s the Formula for a Successful Sale in Cheshunt

Agents Versus Algorithms – What’s the Formula for a Successful Sale in Cheshunt

Property portals have revolutionised the market, but can an algorithm replicate an astute estate agent’s experience, empathy, and enthusiasm? A two-minute read.

Here’s a statistic that sums up just how integral the internet is to buying and selling property these days: 98% of people start their home search online. (The other 2%, we presume, are still wondering what happened to Ceefax and Amstrad computers.)

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World Sleep Day: How to Beat Insomnia

World Sleep Day: How to Beat Insomnia

Today is World Sleep Day so let’s look at why a good night’s kip is so important. (A three-minute read.)

The pandemic has impacted almost every area of our lives, including our ability to enjoy a deep and blissful slumber.

Studies in the UK, US, China, and Italy have all found that since Covid-19 emerged, insomnia has increased dramatically.

The problem is so widespread that there’s even a (somewhat clunky) buzzword to describe it: ‘coronasomnia’.


In the lead-up to World Sleep Day on 18 March, let’s look at what causes sleep disruption and how to beat insomnia.

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Dog Theft Awareness Day: How to Keep Your Pooch Safe

Dog Theft Awareness Day: How to Keep Your Pooch Safe

As a nation of pet lovers, it’s no surprise that dog ownership increased significantly during the pandemic. Unfortunately, so did the number of dog thefts. There were more than 2,000 reported incidents in 2020 and this number is going up.  

While dog theft is on the rise, catching those responsible is not. Just 2% of such cases led to suspects being charged in 2020, and concerns have grown so much that the government set up the Pet Theft Taskforce to tackle the issue.

On 14 March, the Stolen and Missing Pets Alliance will hold their annual Dog Theft Awareness Day. So, in this quick read we offer tips to ensure your four-legged best friend is as safe as possible.

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Looking After Your Mental Health in Cheshunt

Looking After Your Mental Health in Cheshunt

Life, as we knew it pre-pandemic, is gradually looking more like it used to, as Governments across the UK relax Covid-19 rules.

This is exciting for many but it can also feel a bit overwhelming as activity levels rise.

It’s important to take responsibility for looking after ourselves so we don’t tip over into post-pandemic burnout.

Here are some suggestions of tools to try.

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Four Home Security Tips for Hertfordshire Residents

Four Home Security Tips for Hertfordshire Residents

With a raft of high-tech home security gadgets on the market, it’s easier than ever to keep your family, pets, and precious belongings safe.

Whether installing a completely new system or tightening up existing security measures, Hertfordshire homeowners have plenty of options to choose from.

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Random Acts of Kindness Day is Coming Soon in Cheshunt

Random Acts of Kindness Day is Coming Soon in Cheshunt

Sometimes, all it takes is a smile or wave to make someone smile. It’s free, it’s polite and most of all, it’s kind.

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Yes, a whole day dedicated to being nice. Started by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation in America, the initiative has gone global in a bid to remind people that being kind is easy.

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6 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Loft Conversion in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

6 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Loft Conversion in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

Converting your loft into a bedroom is a great option for many homeowners in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. It can help growing families maximise their space, stay in their home for longer, and even get a great return when it comes to selling up in the future. But while there are many positives, there are some downsides to consider, too.

If you’re thinking about getting a loft conversion in your Cheshunt, Hertfordshire home, here are some of the pros and cons to consider before you commit.

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Cheshunt Property Asking Prices Increase at Quickest Pace Since 2016

Cheshunt Property Asking Prices Increase at Quickest Pace Since 2016

Asking prices for Cheshunt homes rose at the fastest annual rate in almost six years as the number of available properties dropped to a record low.

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Cheshunt Landlords: Discover the Five Fundamentals of a Great Rental Property

Cheshunt Landlords: Discover the Five Fundamentals of a Great Rental Property

There are five fundamentals to consider when thinking of buying a rental property.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or taking your first step into the rental property market, make sure you understand what makes a place a good investment.

Here are five points to consider carefully:

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Tenant Trends: What Renters in Cheshunt Want Today

Tenant Trends: What Renters in Cheshunt Want Today

Whether you’re a first-time investor or an experienced landlord looking to expand your portfolio, it pays to know what tenants want.


Understanding current trends in the market will help you fine-tune your rental marketing strategy and ensure that any improvement work you undertake proves to be of good value.


So, what are tenants looking for in 2024? Let’s take a look.


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Ready for Anything: The Cheshunt & Broxbourne Landlord’s Emergency Checklist

Ready for Anything: The Cheshunt & Broxbourne Landlord’s Emergency Checklist

As any experienced letting agent or landlord can advise you, ‘expect the unexpected’ when it comes to rental properties.

And that’s why it pays to follow the Scouts’ motto and “be prepared”.

Being prepared for any eventuality can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown catastrophe if you’re a landlord.

With that in mind, we’ve created a Landlord Emergency Kit.

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Woodhouse Property Consultants: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of the Rental Market

Woodhouse Property Consultants: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of the Rental Market

In today's climate, it's easy to paint landlords with the same brush, viewing them solely as money-grabbing opportunists. However, as a leading letting agency in Cheshunt, we've witnessed firsthand the many ways in which landlords go above and beyond for their tenants.

At Woodhouse Property Consultants, we're proud to be part of a network of like-minded agents who recognize the true value of landlords who genuinely care about their tenants' well-being. While there are undoubtedly some unscrupulous landlords, we've had the privilege of working with countless others who embody the very best of humanity.

To highlight the often-unpublicized acts of kindness that landlords perform, we've gathered some inspiring tales that showcase their remarkable compassion and generosity.

Heartwarming Stories of Landlord Kindness

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How Cheshunt Landlords Can Outsmart Property Fraudsters

How Cheshunt Landlords Can Outsmart Property Fraudsters

The expression ‘safe as houses’ has been used for almost two centuries to describe something that is rock-solid and risk-free.


But thanks to the elaborate efforts of a small but growing number of fraudsters, not even property is as safe as you think.


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Five Rental Myths That Haunt Cheshunt Landlords: A Halloween Special

Five Rental Myths That Haunt Cheshunt Landlords: A Halloween Special

In this Halloween Special, we look at five scary things landlords in Cheshunt need to be mindful of to avoid nightmares.

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Declaring Details: How Correct Information Can Save Cheshunt Landlords Thousands

Declaring Details: How Correct Information Can Save Cheshunt Landlords Thousands

For Cheshunt and Surrounding Area landlords, having the right insurance coverage is not just a box to tick. It’s an essential safeguard for your investments.

But simply having insurance is not enough; understanding the policy’s specific requirements and declaring everything accurately is crucial.

In the following cautionary tale, we’ll explore a real-life incident involving a landlord who learned this lesson the hard way.

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Is Your Broxbourne Borough Rental Being Used for Illegal Activity? Here are the Signs to Watch Out for

Is Your Broxbourne Borough Rental Being Used for Illegal Activity? Here are the Signs to Watch Out for

It’s every landlord’s worst nightmare: you discover the people you thought were trusted tenants are actually crooks using your property for illegal activity. 

As a result, you face hefty repair bills, loss of income and a battle with your insurer. You may also find yourself at the centre of a police investigation. 

Now, this is a worst-case scenario; most tenants are law-abiding, so there’s no need to panic. 

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Market Update for Cheshunt Landlords: The Latest in the Rental Sector

Market Update for Cheshunt Landlords: The Latest in the Rental Sector

After a challenging 12 months for the economy, how is the private rental sector faring, and what lies ahead for buy-to-let landlords? 

In this market analysis, we look at some facts and figures to give you an accurate update on the private rental sector.

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Five Great Tips for Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Landlords on Finding Top Tradespeople

Five Great Tips for Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Landlords on Finding Top Tradespeople

It’s up there with late rents, messy tenants and broken boilers on a landlord’s Headache-ometer.

What are we talking about?

Finding (and keeping) tradespeople you can trust to look after any property maintenance or issues landlords need to get sorted.

In this article, we share five tried, tested and trustworthy tips on how to find the very best and swerve the unreliable rest.

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How to Make Your Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Rental Pet-Friendly

How to Make Your Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Rental Pet-Friendly

If you’re a landlord looking to attract long-term tenants, it’s worth thinking about ways to make your investment property as appealing as possible. 

And one area you may have overlooked is the army of British pet owners who need a rental property, and want to make their furry friends as comfy as possible. 

Unfortunately, over the years, many landlords have been known to refuse pet owners, perhaps due to worries about damage or general unsuitability for a property.

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Changes to Energy Efficiency Rules and the Impact on Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Landlords

Changes to Energy Efficiency Rules and the Impact on Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Landlords

Over the last few years, landlords have faced many changes. Tax reforms, rental reforms and energy efficiency measures have meant renting out properties is more complex (and expensive) than ever. But with changes to Government plans announced last Wednesday, is good news on the horizon? 

Last week, controversial (and costly plans) for improved EPC targets by 2025 were scrapped by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. 

So, how does this impact property investors (and tenants)?

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How to Set Your Cheshunt Rent

How to Set Your Cheshunt Rent

The Golden Rules of Setting Your Cheshunt Monthly Rent


If you’re a first-time landlord about to rent out a property, or an established landlord looking to purchase a new investment, one of the main questions you’ll have is how much rent you can charge per month.


Of course, you can (and should) take the advice of your agent, but it’s also worth understanding exactly what factors impact the amount of rent you can sensibly charge.


In this quick read, we explore the factors you need to consider before pricing your rental property.


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Top Rules for a Happy Cheshunt House Share

Top Rules for a Happy Cheshunt House Share

Renting a property with a friend or acquaintance? Never lived with anyone before? We’ve got you covered with some top tips to help manage your new living situation. 

These days, renting isn’t cheap and whether you’re a student or professional, those monthly payments can feel like a stretch. So, if you’re about to move in with a flatmate, it’s worth sticking to some basic rules to make sure your tenancy works out for the both of you. 

In this quick read, we look at ways to make your flat share feel like a happy home.

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Dangers of a DIY Tenancy Agreement: What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know

Dangers of a DIY Tenancy Agreement: What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know

Type ‘tenancy agreement’ into Google and you’ll get thousands of results offering free online templates and guides to writing your own rental contract. 

So why bother using a letting agent to sort out the tenancy agreement if you can do it yourself? What could possibly go wrong? 

Well, quite a lot. Hastily downloading a template from the internet and high-fiving yourself for a job well done could prove to be a costly mistake. 

It might not become apparent for months or even years, but if you get into a dispute at the end of a tenancy, or want to regain possession of the property, you could find your contract is worthless. 

In this quick read, we look at the dangers of a DIY tenancy agreement.


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Summer Checklist for Tenants

Summer Checklist for Tenants

At last summer is here, so what are your plans?

Have you booked an exciting getaway in an exotic location? Or is the aim to kick back and relax on home turf?

Whatever you’ve lined up, it’s worth taking note of the common concerns that can crop up in rented accommodation during the summer.

If there’s a garden at your rental property:

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Is Renting in Cheshunt Better Than Buying?

Is Renting in Cheshunt Better Than Buying?

The pitfalls of renting are always shouted about: too expensive, dodgy landlords, broken appliances and so on and so on. But what about the positives? 

With rental reforms on the horizon and changes to eviction rules in full swing, let’s explore why being a tenant is the best choice for some people. 

According to research by the HomeOwners Alliance, 86% of people want to own their own home. But sometimes, the dream of buying just doesn’t make sense. High interest rates, a lack of savings and additional costs can put that first step on the property ladder out of reach for many.

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How the Cost-of-Living Crisis Is Impacting Cheshunt & Broxbourne Rents

How the Cost-of-Living Crisis Is Impacting Cheshunt & Broxbourne Rents

You can’t open a newspaper (or app) without seeing something about the UK rental market. Whether it’s the increase in demand for property, changes to rent rules or landlords selling up – rentals are getting a lot of attention. 

And one matter that is causing a lot of controversy is the issue of rising rent. In a cost-of-living crisis, the increase in monthly rent is understandably worrisome for tenants, but are landlords really to blame? 

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Ways to Avoid Deposit Disputes When You Leave Your Cheshunt Rental

Ways to Avoid Deposit Disputes When You Leave Your Cheshunt Rental

It’s widely recognised that moving house is one of the most stressful (and annoying) life events you can experience. 

If you’re nearing the end of a tenancy agreement, there are a few things you can do to ensure your check-out inspection goes well and (upon moving out) you get your tenancy deposit back in full. 

In this quick read, we go through ways to make moving out easier for you and your landlord.


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The Annual Checks an Cheshunt & Herts Landlord Mustn’t Ignore

The Annual Checks an Cheshunt & Herts Landlord Mustn’t Ignore

Many people are under the assumption that being a landlord is an easy ride. Get your tenants in, collect the monthly rent and that’s it, you’re laughing. Sounds like a dream… Unfortunately, it’s far from the truth, as most experienced landlords and agents will tell you. 

Unless you’re lucky enough to have long-term tenants, every time a new lot of renters move in, there are lots of checks to be made, forms to sign, letters to send and on it goes. 

One thing that should never be ignored or delayed are your annual safety checks. As a landlord, it is your legal duty to ensure your tenants are living in a safe, hazard-free environment.

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Landlords, Is Your Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Rental Safe

Landlords, Is Your Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Rental Safe

Many people are under the assumption that being a landlord is an easy ride. Get your tenants in, collect the monthly rent and that’s it, you’re laughing. Sounds like a dream… Unfortunately, it’s far from the truth, as most experienced landlords and agents will tell you. 

Unless you’re lucky enough to have long-term tenants, every time a new lot of renters move in, there are lots of checks to be made, forms to sign, letters to send and on it goes. 

One thing that should never be ignored or delayed are your annual safety checks. As a landlord, it is your legal duty to ensure your tenants are living in a safe, hazard-free environment.

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What Happens When Your Cheshunt Rental is Being Sold

What Happens When Your Cheshunt Rental is Being Sold

As a tenant living in a rental property, you need to be aware of your rights. Fortunately, due to recent reforms in legislation, you’re now more protected than ever when it comes to matters of eviction and deposits. But what if your landlord tells you they’re planning to sell the property where you live? 

First things first, don’t panic. If you’ve signed a tenancy agreement, your landlord must stick to it, even if they’re planning to sell the property. 

In this quick read, we look at some questions you might have if your landlord decides to sell.


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Things to Consider When Selling Your Cheshunt Rental

Things to Consider When Selling Your Cheshunt Rental

Over the last 12 months, it’s been reported that many landlords have decided enough is enough and are exiting the buy-to-let game in their droves. And whilst these headlines may or may not be accurate, one thing is for sure, selling a buy-to-let property is very different to selling a residential property. 

So, if you’re a landlord considering selling a rental property, what do you need to know?


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Should Cheshunt Landlords Include Bills in Their Rent?

Should Cheshunt Landlords Include Bills in Their Rent?

Tenants’ needs and wants are always changing. A decade ago, broadband was a luxury, now it’s a necessity. Since the pandemic, properties with outside space are more popular than ever. So how can you make your rental property as attractive to tenants as possible? 

Recent research by property bods at Rightmove has found that ‘bills included’ is now one of the most popular search terms currently used by prospective tenants, overtaking ‘pets’ and ‘garden’, marking yet another change in what renters want. 

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Managing Multiple Rentals: Tips for Cheshunt Landlords

Managing Multiple Rentals: Tips for Cheshunt Landlords

How do Cheshunt portfolio landlords deal with the multitude of tasks and mountains of red tape that come with managing several properties? Read on to find out. 

Owning a portfolio of rental properties can be a great way to earn income and build up a tidy nest egg for the future. But be warned: you can’t afford to wing it. 

If you’re disorganised with deposits, rent payments, inventories and maintenance, you’ll wind up out of pocket. 

And if you don’t keep up with the hundreds of rules and regulations that apply to landlords, you could be fined or jailed. 

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Deposit Deductions: What Cheshunt & Herts Landlords Should Know

Deposit Deductions: What Cheshunt & Herts Landlords Should Know

The end of a tenancy agreement can be stressful for landlords. You need to make sure the property isn’t vacant for long and there may be a need for repairs and maintenance. Then there’s the deposit release process and decisions about whether you need to make any deductions. 

Landlords have a bad rap when it comes to deposits. Many tenants think they have made unfair deductions or that their landlord is wrong to keep anything back.


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Common Scams Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Landlords Need to Look Out for

Common Scams Cheshunt & Hertfordshire Landlords Need to Look Out for

Scammers are using increasingly sophisticated tactics to make a fast buck, often leaving landlords out of pocket or caught up in messy legal disputes. 

Read on to learn about the most common scams targeting Cheshunt landlords and how to protect your rental property.


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How to Find a Good Contractor for Your Cheshunt Rental

How to Find a Good Contractor for Your Cheshunt Rental

If you’re a seasoned landlord, chances are you’ve experienced at least one out-of-hours call from a panicked tenant about a leaky toilet or boiler breakdown. Why is it these things never seem to happen at a reasonable hour? 

Repairs and maintenance of your rental portfolio can be costly and stressful, so having trustworthy contractors is invaluable. You need someone who you know will get the job done and (hopefully) won’t charge you exorbitant fees to do so. 

For newer landlords, finding a good contractor should be at the top of your to-do list. 

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What Cheshunt Landlords Should Tell Tenants on Moving-In Day

What Cheshunt Landlords Should Tell Tenants on Moving-In Day

Want to get your new tenancy off to a good start and safeguard against future disputes? Then here are some important things you should tell your tenants on moving-in day. 

Let’s face it, finding good tenants and getting all the relevant paperwork ready for a new tenancy is hard work. 

As well as arranging viewings and reference checks, landlords have to finalise the contract, compile an inventory and take meter readings. 

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A Guide To Tenancy Deposit Schemes For Cheshunt Landlords

A Guide To Tenancy Deposit Schemes For Cheshunt Landlords

If you’re thinking of renting out a property in Cheshunt or surrounding areas, or investing in buy-to-let you need to understand the many and varied legal aspects of being a landlord.

One of these is what your legal responsibility is for the money you receive from your tenant as a rental deposit. The law says that if you take a deposit from your tenant, you must protect it in a government-approved landlord deposit protection scheme.

We’ve put together some frequently asked questions on the issue; to help you understand how tenancy deposit schemes work and what you need to do when you find a tenant for your property.

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What You Can Expect as an Cheshunt Landlord in 2023

What You Can Expect as an Cheshunt Landlord in 2023

It’s safe to say, 2022 has been a year full of change for landlords. The last 12 months have seen more buy-to-let landlords selling up than ever before despite the demand for rental properties surging. 

With new laws in force impacting landlords across the UK, the media has described such changes as a ‘war on landlords’, whilst tenants’ rights groups have applauded reforms around health and safety and eviction rules. 

So, what next? What can landlords look forward to (or not) in 2023?


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A Cheshunt Landlord’s Guide to a Stress-Free Christmas

A Cheshunt Landlord’s Guide to a Stress-Free Christmas

For most people, Christmas is a blissful time, a chance to unwind with family and friends and recharge the batteries. 

But if you’re a Cheshunt landlord, you can’t ever completely relax, can you? 

There’s always a possibility that something could go awry at your rental property. A pipe could burst, the boiler might pack up, or an uninvited guest (we’re talking about a burglar, not Santa) could pay a visit. 

Whatever the scenario, landlords have a duty of care to act promptly in an emergency. 

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Ten Ways to Winter-Proof Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Rental Property

Ten Ways to Winter-Proof Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Rental Property

Here are ten ways to prevent a minor mishap or major disaster at your Cheshunt rental property this winter.

For many people, winter really is the most wonderful time of the year, a chance to crunch through frosty fields, make the perfect snow angel or snuggle up by the fire.

But from a property perspective, winter can be hazardous, with snow, rain, ice, high winds and low temperatures all posing potential risks.

Cheshunt Landlords who fail to prepare for these risks could face a hefty repair bill and a disrupted holiday season (not to mention the distress your tenants may experience if something goes wrong).

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Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Cheshunt Property Portfolio

Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Cheshunt Property Portfolio

A property portfolio is a great way to generate income and build yourself a tidy retirement nest egg. But there’s more to it than shaking hands with new tenants and waiting for the rent to roll in. 

You need robust systems and a professional attitude to protect your investment and ensure you don’t wind up out of pocket or on the wrong side of the law. 

To find out what it takes to manage several rental properties, read our guide, the Five Rs of Making the Most of Your Property Portfolio. 

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Top Tax Tip for Cheshunt and Broxbourne Landlords

Top Tax Tip for Cheshunt and Broxbourne Landlords

A significant shift in how landlords file tax returns is looming on the horizon. Here’s what landlords need to know about the changes. 

If you’re a landlord with a taxable income of more than £10,000, now’s the time to start thinking about new tax reporting rules that are coming down the line. 

In April 2024, all landlords with an income of over £10K will have to comply with a scheme called Making Tax Digital (MTD).

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Why Cheshunt Landlords Should Have Rent Protection Insurance

Why Cheshunt Landlords Should Have Rent Protection Insurance

The rental market is a tough place to be, especially in the current economic climate.  

With the cost of living crisis leaving many tenants feeling squeezed, now could be the right time for landlords to invest in rent protection insurance. But is it really worth it, or just another expense? 

In this two-minute read, we look at rent protection insurance in detail to help you decide whether you need it. 

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How to Protect Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Rental Properties during a Recession

How to Protect Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough  Rental Properties during a Recession

Recessions hit everyone right where it hurts: in the pocket. Everyone feels the pinch as prices rise and the cost of living spirals. Homeowners face the prospect of higher mortgage rates and rising bills. But what about landlords? Are they the Teflon of a credit crunch?  

According to finance experts at Investopedia, landlords not only survive recessions, but they thrive, as renting becomes more appealing than buying in the economic downturn. After all, owning rental properties guarantees them an income, or does it?  

In this quick read, we look at why landlords aren’t always immune to recessions and ways you can protect your rental portfolio.

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Three Fears That Haunt Landlords and How to Avoid Them

Three Fears That Haunt Landlords and How to Avoid Them

You’ll see plenty of ghosts and ghouls trick-or-treating tonight, but here are three frightening scenarios that haunt landlords all year round. 

Being a landlord can sometimes be unpredictable – but the experience is much less scary if you have a good letting agent on your side. Read on to find out why.

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The Fake Landlord Scam That All Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Renters Need to Know About

The Fake Landlord Scam That All Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Renters Need to Know About

Don’t let fraudsters swindle you out of your hard-earned money. Read on to discover what the ‘fake landlord’ scam is and how to protect yourself. 

The fake landlord ruse has been around for years, but current market conditions mean that some renters are particularly vulnerable to this con right now.


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How Cheshunt, Broxbourne, Waltham Cross and Hoddesdon Landlords Can Save Thousands of Pounds

How Cheshunt, Broxbourne, Waltham Cross and Hoddesdon Landlords Can Save Thousands of Pounds

There’s a lot to think about when you are a landlord. 

You’ve got the ever-changing rules around rental property to consider. 

Then there’s ensuring your property is well maintained and your tenants are happy. 

Add to that the cost of living crisis, pressures on the economy and political instability, and you could be forgiven for thinking, ‘what’s the point?’. 

But before you sell up, let’s look at your alternatives.

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Attention Cheshunt & Herts Landlords – Don’t Let Condensation Cause Sleepless Nights

Attention Cheshunt & Herts Landlords – Don’t Let Condensation Cause Sleepless Nights

This two-minute read looks at some simple steps landlords and tenants can take to reduce the risk of condensation causing mould, damp and disputes. 

What causes condensation?

When moist air is cooled by contact with cold surfaces such as walls, windows or mirrors, the moisture condenses into water droplets, AKA: condensation.  

This can often cause unsightly mould and, in extreme cases, be unhealthy. Not just in terms of physical health but because it’s a common breeding ground for disputes between landlords and tenants.

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Make Your Rental Stand Out with These Techy Tips

Make Your Rental Stand Out with These Techy Tips

It’s fair to say that tenants’ needs have changed in recent years. With more people working from home than ever, has your rental property got the tech to appeal to top tenants? 

In the current digital age, there are countless smart apps and devices that can help your property stand out in a crowded market. 

In this quick read, we look at some easy ways to become a tech-savvy landlord, attract the best tenants and save money. 

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Gen Z – the New Tenants You Want in Your Cheshunt Rental

Gen Z – the New Tenants You Want in Your Cheshunt Rental

They’re young, they’re moving out of their parents’ homes, and they could be your next tenants. We’re talking about Generation Z, the workforce of the future and a generation that’s ready to pay rent.   

Over the next three years, it’s estimated that Gen Z (born between 1996 and 2012) will pay a larger share of the UK rent bill than any other age group. 

While it’s true that some 20-somethings choose to stay in the comfy nests made by mum and dad for a bit longer than other age groups, more and more are cutting the apron strings and venturing into the rental world. So, what do you need to do to attract the best Gen Z tenants?

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How Much Rent is Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Property Worth?

How Much Rent is Your Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Property Worth?

As a landlord, you want to earn a good return on your property investment, but how do you decide what rent to charge? In the current market, rents are at an all-time high, but what’s the fairest way to set your monthly price? 

In this quick read, we look at how to calculate the right rental price for your property. 

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Landlords – A Legally Important Date for Your Diaries

Landlords – A Legally Important Date for Your Diaries

A significant change in how rental properties must be maintained comes into legal effect on Saturday, October 1st 2022.

The law affects what alarms landlords must provide in their properties to protect against potentially lethal carbon monoxide poisoning.

Failure to comply with the new rules can result in landlords getting a hefty fine.

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Is Being an Cheshunt Landlord Really Worth It?

Is Being an Cheshunt Landlord Really Worth It?

If you’re a landlord, chances are you’re feeling a bit hard done by at the moment. It seems like every other day, new rules and revisions are being announced around landlord and tenant law, which means you have to change the way you work and may face higher taxes.

But is it all doom and gloom?

Is it time to hang up your landlord hat and sell up?

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Six Steps to Avoid Bug Infestations in Your Rental Property

Six Steps to Avoid Bug Infestations in Your Rental Property

If the idea of an insect infestation at your Herts rental property makes your skin crawl, read on to find out how to beat the bugs this summer.

No landlord wants uninvited visitors in their buy-to-let – especially the six-legged variety that spread disease, bite, sting and cause property damage.

With insects breeding prolifically in warm weather, here’s a list of the little critters to be on the lookout for in your rental property.

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When WFH Could Affect Your Tenancy Agreement in Cheshunt

When WFH Could Affect Your Tenancy Agreement in Cheshunt

In our post-pandemic world, working from home (WFH) has become the new norm for many people. But as a landlord, you need to make sure your tenants are working in a way that doesn’t impact you negatively.


Most of us think of Working From Home as sitting in front of a laptop or doing Zoom meetings wearing a shirt and tie with pyjama bottoms. However, there’s been a boom of small businesses cropping up, many of them based in flats and houses all over the country.


In this two-minute read, we look at some questions to consider if you’re a landlord with tenants WFH.

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What Landlords Need to Know about Their Legal Responsibilities

What Landlords Need to Know about Their Legal Responsibilities

This two-minute read explains how landlords can navigate their way through an ever-growing list of rules and regulations.


There’s one rookie mistake that many first-time landlords make when they invest in property – and it can cost them dearly further down the track.


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A Quick Guide for New Landlords in Cheshunt and Hertfordshire

A Quick Guide for New Landlords in Cheshunt and Hertfordshire

Being a first-time landlord can feel daunting. There’s a lot to do before you can get your property rented out – such as repairs, legal obligations, admin, tenant-finding, contract signing, and so on.

But don’t fret.

A good letting agent will help explain all the ins and outs of the process. And can do most of the work on your behalf.

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A Guide for Cheshunt Landlords on Managing Energy Bills

A Guide for Cheshunt Landlords on Managing Energy Bills

This year’s colossal hike in energy costs has left millions of households reeling. And with no relief in sight, the problem is likely to stay at the top of the agenda throughout 2022.


Here’s an eight-point plan to help landlords deal with the issue as best they can

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Six Reasons Hertfordshire Landlords Should Respond Promptly to Tenant Concerns

Six Reasons Hertfordshire Landlords Should Respond Promptly to Tenant Concerns

When a tenant gets in touch, don’t faff about – a prompt response will save you time and money in the long run. A three-minute read.


Picture this: you’re frantically busy at work, scrambling to meet an urgent deadline when your phone pings.


It’s your tenant raising what seems like a pretty minor issue, so you make a mental note to get back to them in a few hours when things calm down.


But time flies, and before you know it, days have passed, and you still haven’t taken action to address the issue raised.

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Landlords to be given grants to install charging points for electric cars

Landlords to be given grants to install charging points for electric cars

A new Government fund allowing landlords to pick up £350 towards the purchase and installation of charging points for electric cars has been announced today.

With installation typically costing around £500 for an average property, the cash sum is a significant contribution towards the total cost, and with a huge increase in the number of electric cars on the road a charging point could potentially be a significant draw for potential tenants.

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Reference Checks: Tips for Cheshunt Landlords

Reference Checks: Tips for Cheshunt Landlords

Don’t make the rookie mistake of cutting corners with reference checks – it’s a sure-fire way to wind up with a nightmare tenant. A three-minute read.


When it comes to tenant selection, there’s a saying that all landlords should heed: Go with the right tenant, not the first tenant.


Sometimes, landlords are so eager to see rent payments rolling in that they treat the reference checking process as a tick-box exercise rather than an investigative one.


But rushing to greenlight the first person willing to take your property can come back to haunt you.

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EPCs Are Changing. Landlords in Cheshunt, Are You Ready?

EPCs Are Changing. Landlords in Cheshunt, Are You Ready?

Calling all landlords! Have you checked your buy-to-let property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating lately?  


Unfortunately, there have been some legal changes that might mean you’ve got some work to do (and money to spend), so you need to keep reading.

An EPC details how energy efficient a property is, recommends how to improve efficiency, and gives a general idea of associated costs.

At the moment, a rental’s EPC must be a rating of E or above as per the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and should be updated every ten years. However, the government looks set to increase this to a rating of C or above for all newly tenanted properties by 2025, and for all existing tenancies by 2028.

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How Cheshunt Landlords Can Capitalise on the Rise in Older Renters

How Cheshunt Landlords Can Capitalise on the Rise in Older Renters

We explore what the rising rate of older renters means for Cheshunt & Broxbourne landlords. A two-minute read. 

Landlords looking to secure reliable, long-term tenants shouldn’t overlook a growing demographic in the rental sector – the older renter.

Recent statistics* show that the proportion of people aged 45 to 54 who rent is 16% (up 5% in ten years). During the same period, the proportion of renters aged 55 to 64 rose by 5% to 11%.  

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What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know about Generation Rent

What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know about Generation Rent

This three-minute read looks at the changing rental market and what it means for landlords.

With the rental market changing enormously over the past decade, savvy landlords need to stay on their toes to make the most of their investment.

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Reasons Why Landlords Sell Their Properties in Cheshunt

Reasons Why Landlords Sell Their Properties in Cheshunt

It’s often thought that being a landlord is easy: buy a property, rent it out, and hey presto! You’re all set. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple, and many landlords look to sell up for an easier life.

Whether it’s age, personal circumstances or changes in the law, in this article, we explore five common reasons why UK landlords sell their properties.

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Let There Be Love – The Landlord and Tenant Special

Let There Be Love – The Landlord and Tenant Special

If you do a quick Google search on ‘how to keep love alive’, communication comes out on top of many of the pieces of advice shared.

Almost all relationships benefit from good communication. And that advice extends beyond being a partner, parent, or friend – it can easily be applied to the landlord and tenant relationship.

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Five Common Décor Disasters Landlords in Cheshunt, Herts Should Avoid

Five Common Décor Disasters Landlords in Cheshunt, Herts Should Avoid

Are you a landlord with a new rental property? Are you about to decorate? Step away from the colour charts, put down the paintbrush, and read on.

Sometimes, it’s hard to separate your personal taste from your rental. After all, you’ve paid a lot of money for it, and you’ve probably invested time and effort getting it ready for the rental market.

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Tax Tips For Cheshunt Landlords: Before Submitting Your Tax Return

Tax Tips For Cheshunt Landlords: Before Submitting Your Tax Return

With the annual tax return deadline only a few weeks away, its essential to ensure all your paperwork is up to date to avoid all that late-night uploading on 31st January! Using our handy tips, you can make a start right now.

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Should Cheshunt landlords use limited company buy-to-let ?

Should Cheshunt landlords use limited company buy-to-let ?

Nowadays the majority (60%) of landlords who buy properties use a limited company, three times the rate in 2016.

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Sell Your Cheshunt Property Swiftly This Spring Your Quick-Fire Guide

Sell Your Cheshunt Property Swiftly This Spring  Your Quick-Fire Guide

Springtime in Cheshunt is not just when the natural world comes back to life but also when the local property market shakes off any winter blues.

And if you’re mulling over a move in 2024, the spring months between March and May could be the perfect time to sell your property.

Here are six speedy springtime tips.

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Five Top Reasons Cheshunt Home Sales Collapse and How to Avoid Them

Five Top Reasons Cheshunt Home Sales Collapse and How to Avoid Them

The journey of buying or selling a property is often filled with anticipation and excitement.

However, it can also be fraught with unexpected challenges that might cause a sale to fall through.

As experienced local estate agents, we’ve seen our fair share of transactions fall by the wayside.

This article shares insights on why these issues arise but, more importantly, how to avoid them.

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Should You Sell Your Cheshunt Home? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

Should You Sell Your Cheshunt Home? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

Are you pondering whether to sell your Cheshunt home? With the property market constantly changing, it’s natural to wonder if now is the right time.

To help you decide, we’ve crafted a fun, informative quiz.

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Cheshunt Families on the Move: What Your Teen Really Thinks

Cheshunt Families on the Move: What Your Teen Really Thinks

There’s a lot to consider when you start thinking about moving home.

This includes things like:

  • What the new monthly mortgage payments will be?
  • What’s parking like at the new place?
  • Are the new neighbours friendly?

It’s a massive decision to sell up and buy elsewhere.

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Navigating Today’s The Cheshunt Housing Market: Expertise Matters!

Navigating Today’s The Cheshunt Housing Market: Expertise Matters!

Remember those post-lockdown days when selling a property was as easy as putting it on a property portal and waiting for the phone to ring off the hook?

Those days are behind us.

The selling market has become increasingly challenging, demanding more than just a ‘For Sale’ sign outside and that property portal listing.

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The Truth behind Cheshunt Property Valuations

The Truth behind Cheshunt Property Valuations

In this quick read, we delve into the importance of accurate valuations – and how to price your property with precision.

Don’t be tricked into high listing prices

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Five Property-Hunting Tips for Cheshunt Homebuyers

Five Property-Hunting Tips for Cheshunt Homebuyers

Buying a home is a huge decision – possibly one of the biggest you’ll make in your lifetime (no pressure then).


And to ensure you make a wise choice that suits your needs now and into the future, it pays to give the process a bit of thought before you start arranging viewings.


Here are five property-hunting tips that could save you time and money.


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Why Autumn is the Season to Sell Your Cheshunt Home

Why Autumn is the Season to Sell Your Cheshunt Home

If you’re considering listing your property for sale, we have some good news. 


Traditionally, there’s a surge in serious buyers coming to the market in autumn after the summer lull – so you’ve timed your move wisely. 


But what’s the psychology driving property hunters at this time of year? And how can you, as a seller, capitalise on buyers’ motivations to ensure you secure the best deal for your property? Let’s find out. 


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The Six Different Types of Homebuyers Sellers in Cheshunt Need to Know About

The Six Different Types of Homebuyers Sellers in Cheshunt Need to Know About

Want to fast-track your property sale by getting your marketing just right? 

Then spend some time thinking about the type of buyer most likely to fall in love with your home, and ensure you target them. 

Once you’ve identified the type (or types) of buyers looking for a property like yours, you can tailor your presentation and marketing accordingly.


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Property Negotiations: How to Get the Best Deal for Your Cheshunt Property

Property Negotiations: How to Get the Best Deal for Your Cheshunt Property

When it comes to preparing for a property sale, most sellers focus on the early stage of the process: sprucing up their home and choosing an agent to manage the marketing. 

But there’s another element to nailing a successful property deal that gets less attention but is just as critical: negotiating the sale. 

How do you know when to accept an offer and when to hold out for more? And what should your strategy be if you have more than one offer on the table?

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Want to Celebrate Christmas in Your Cheshunt New Home? Then Act Now

Want to Celebrate Christmas in Your Cheshunt New Home? Then Act Now

Unless you’re one of those super-organised types who spend the year secretly buying stocking fillers and stashing them under your bed, Christmas is probably the last thing on your mind right now. 

And why should it be? It’s summer, the schools are shut (for a few more days at least), and you still have months to dust off your reindeer antlers and Yuletide jumper. 

But there is one reason why it may be worth thinking ahead to Christmas. 

If you have plans to sell your home and hope to be in a new place by the end of the year, then act now. It can take time to get all the elements in place to finalise a property sale, but if you put your foot on the gas, you can still do it. 

Here are four reasons to market your property now.

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Don’t Let Next-Door Syndrome Stop You Selling Your Cheshunt Home

Don’t Let Next-Door Syndrome Stop You Selling Your Cheshunt Home

Let’s be honest, we’ve all been a nosy neighbour at some point, haven’t we? 

A ‘for sale’ sign goes up on a property in your street, and within minutes you’re online to find out what it’s on the market for. 

Soon enough, you’re marvelling or shuddering at your neighbour’s taste in décor and deciding that your home is bigger, smaller, smarter or scruffier than theirs.

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Buying an Cheshunt Property in 2023: What You Need to Know

Buying an Cheshunt Property in 2023: What You Need to Know

Buying a new home is a big step that comes with lots of considerations. Finding the right property in a good location at a price you’re willing to pay isn’t always easy and can take time.

But when you finally move into your new place to start the next chapter of your life, all the hard work is worth it. 

Here are some factors to consider if you’re considering buying in 2023.

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Thinking about Downsizing in Cheshunt? Here are Five Things to Consider

Thinking about Downsizing in Cheshunt? Here are Five Things to Consider

Thinking about Downsizing? Here are Five Things to Consider

The number of downsizers active in the housing market has skyrocketed in recent months*, and is it any wonder? 

With mortgage and energy costs surging, many people are rethinking how – and where – they want to live. 

If you’re wondering if you should downsize, here’s what to consider.

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Why a Local Cheshunt Estate Agent Could Add Value to Your Home

Why a Local Cheshunt Estate Agent Could Add Value to Your Home

If you’re selling a property, you’ve got a big decision to make. Which estate agent do you pick? Should you go with an independent local agency or choose a big-name brand?  

Should you use an agent based on the local high street or go with a cheaper online option?  

Before you make up your mind, it’s best to get a couple of agents in to value your property and discuss the sales process. Find out how they will help and what they will do differently from other agents. 


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What Cheshunt Homebuyers Need to Know About Purchasing a Probate Property

What Cheshunt Homebuyers Need to Know About Purchasing a Probate Property

Picture this: After a long and exhausting property search you finally find the home that’s just right for you. But then the estate agent mentions that it’s a ‘probate property’ and you’re left scratching your head. 

While it’s a term that you’ve heard before, you’re not entirely sure what it means and if it could scupper your homebuying plans. 

Well, let us explain.


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Plants that Could Knock Thousands Off Your Cheshunt House Price

Plants that Could Knock Thousands Off Your Cheshunt House Price

Post pandemic, having outside space has taken on a whole new level of importance and can add significant value to a property. But what happens when your garden oasis threatens the chance of selling your home? 

Some lush green plants might look nice but could signal trouble for a house sale. 

In this quick read, we look at the plants that may impact your selling price.

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How to Sell Your Cheshunt Home When You’ve Got Pets

How to Sell Your Cheshunt Home When You’ve Got Pets

Don’t let your beloved family pet stop you from achieving top selling price for your property. Follow these tips to ensure buyers don’t get sniffy about making an offer on your home. 

Given that 57% of British households have a pet*, you might assume buyers wouldn’t bat an eyelid at the prospect of viewing a property where a furry or feathered friend resides. 

But many property hunters are put off when they visit a home where there are obvious signs and smells of pets. 

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Tips to Make Your Cheshunt Move Stress-Free

Tips to Make Your Cheshunt Move Stress-Free

Just the thought of moving home can make you break out into a cold sweat. It’s a life experience that many people think of as one of the most stressful things you can do. So how can you minimise those feelings of panic? 

April is Stress Awareness Month, and if you’ve got a move coming up, you’ll need to keep your wits about you to get it all done. 

In this quick read, we look at ways to make selling your home a little bit less stressful and more manageable.


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Should You Drop the Price or Your Agent if Your Home’s Not Selling in Cheshunt

Should You Drop the Price or Your Agent if Your Home’s Not Selling in Cheshunt

If your dreams of a speedy property sale have hit the skids, it’s time to change strategies. Read on to discover the best way to get your sale back on track. 

No one likes admitting they’ve got something wrong. But if your home has been on the market for some time and interest has gone cold, it’s time to reassess the situation. Before you can determine your next move, you need to identify if: 

  • The price is too high and you need to reduce it; or
  • Your agent isn’t up to scratch and you need to replace them.


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Four Reasons to Market Cheshunt Property in Spring

Four Reasons to Market Cheshunt  Property in Spring

Spring officially starts next week, and with it comes a host of joys: longer days, trees in bud and flowers in bloom. 

And if you’re selling a property, there’s something else to celebrate – a spike in buyers looking to make their next move. 

Traditionally, spring is the busiest season for property sales (pre-pandemic data shows that properties listed in March sell the fastest*).

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Choosing an Cheshunt Estate Agent? Don’t Forget to Ask These Three Questions First

Choosing an Cheshunt Estate Agent? Don’t Forget to Ask These Three Questions First

When hunting for a professional to sell your home, you’ll probably compile a list of property-related questions to fire off at prospective estate agents.  

What’s the property worth? What changes need to be made before it’s listed? And what’s the best way to market it? 

All wise questions worth asking, but please, don’t stop there! No matter how keen you are to get your property on the market, you need to uncover a few more facts about how the agent does business before making a final decision. 

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Quick Tips for Tidying Up before a House Viewing

Quick Tips for Tidying Up before a House Viewing

As the old saying goes, first impressions matter. And when it comes to showing off your property, the way it looks will go a long way to impress potential buyers. 

If your property is on the market, you’ll be familiar with the feeling of panic when your agent calls to tell you there’s a viewing scheduled. Not because you don’t want to sell it, but because you know you left your underwear on the bathroom floor and your sink is full of last night’s dishes. 

This three-minute read is the ultimate lazy guide to sprucing up your home before viewings. 

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Why Now Is the Right Time to Buy Property in Cheshunt

Why Now Is the Right Time to Buy Property in Cheshunt

If 2023 was the year you were going to buy a new home, it’s fair to say that the gloomy news headlines might have you rethinking things a bit. Is it the right time to buy? Should you rent instead? Should you move in with your nearest and dearest and hope they don’t mind? 

It’s a tricky one. But when the housing market is rockier than a Bon Jovi concert, you might feel more apprehensive than usual about investing your cash. 

In this quick read, we look at three reasons why buying a property this year is still a good idea and why it’s important to stay positive.

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Need to Sell Your Cheshunt Home in an Uncertain Market? Read On

Need to Sell Your Cheshunt Home in an Uncertain Market? Read On

One minute, the housing market is at an all-time high, the next, newspapers are warning it will plunge faster than a block of concrete in a swimming pool. Finance bods and property experts love to talk up a crisis, but what’s the reality for those wanting to sell? 

Well, it’s quite simple: the best way to sell your property in Cheshunt and Surrounding Areas the current market is to bag yourself a trusted, reliable estate agent to do the hard work for you. 

In this quick read, we look at reasons why having a good Cheshunt estate agent makes all the difference when selling your property.

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Interior Design Trends of 2023

Interior Design Trends of 2023

If you’re thinking of freshening up the interior of your home this year, here’s a list of what’s trending on the design front. 

Are you planning a mega makeover in 2023? Or perhaps you just want to make some modest changes to breathe new life into your home? Whether your project is big or small, here are some design ideas to inspire you. 

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Selling Your Property in Cheshunt? The Questions to Ask Before Accepting an Offer

Selling Your Property in Cheshunt? The Questions to Ask Before Accepting an Offer

Accept an offer from a fast-talker or a faffer, and your hopes for a speedy property deal could be scuppered. Here’s how to choose the right buyer. 

When it comes to property transactions, we often focus on the long list of questions buyers want answers to. 

What’s the local area like? Where are the nearest good schools? And what about the boiler, electrics, water pressure, broadband and energy ratings? 

A good agent will be able to deftly answer all these queries without pausing for breath. But a great agent will also have a long list of questions for potential buyers. 

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Why Overvaluing Your Cheshunt Property Could Spell Disaster

Why Overvaluing Your Cheshunt Property Could Spell Disaster

So, your home is on the market, you’ve decluttered, the sink is sparkling, and you’re patiently waiting for potential buyers to come and view your property. A few people arrange appointments, but no one seems interested; it’s been weeks. Have you been hit by the curse of an overvaluation? 

Overpriced properties can sit on the market for months. Viewings become as rare as sighting the Loch Ness Monster; the agent’s gone quiet and your hopes of moving are slowly slipping away.

In this quick read, we look at why an overvaluation can be disastrous and how to avoid this costly mistake.


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How Do Cheshunt Estate Agents Value Your Property

How Do Cheshunt Estate Agents Value Your Property

If you’re planning to sell your property, the first question that you’ll inevitably ask is how much it’s worth. Your home may be invaluable to you and your loved ones, but it’s also got a market value. 

But how is a property valued? Is there a magic formula? How does an agent decide its worth? And why might your property be valued less than the house two doors down? 

In this quick read, we look at different factors that affect the value of your property.

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Eight-Step Guide to Preparing Your Cheshunt Home for Sale

Eight-Step Guide to Preparing Your Cheshunt Home for Sale

Are you planning to sell your home in Cheshunt in the new year? Here’s a checklist to help you prepare for your next move. 

Have you got an exciting plan for 2023? A move to a bigger home to accommodate your growing family? Or perhaps you want to downsize and start afresh in a different part of the country? 

Whatever your goal, the best way to turn your dream into reality is to secure a good price for your current home. And to help you achieve this, we’ve put together a checklist for preparing a property for sale.


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Selling Your Cheshunt Home? Why the Highest Offer Might Not Always Be the Best Choice

Selling Your Cheshunt Home? Why the Highest Offer Might Not Always Be the Best Choice

So, you’re selling your home. You’re looking for the highest price and crossing your fingers for a smooth sale. But is the greatest offer always the best choice? 

Well, we wouldn’t be writing this if the answer was yes. Unfortunately, the biggest offer won’t always be the best and there are many reasons why. 

It’s not about selling your home for less than it’s worth, but it is about looking at the bigger picture. Is the buyer with the highest offer ready to buy? Can they move quickly enough to meet your timescale?


Remember, the highest offer means absolutely nothing if the sale falls through.

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Top tips to speed up the time between sale agreed and exchange in Cheshunt

Top tips to speed up the time between sale agreed and exchange in Cheshunt

Selling a home in Cheshunt requires a good amount of patience and persistence, and the process is never as straightforward as it might seem. On average, 34% of transactions fall through before exchange, and this is why some homes take longer to sell than expected. 

If you’re thinking about ways to jumpstart the moving process, we’ve put together some top tips to help you achieve that smooth sale…

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9 Tips to Boost Your Chances of a Winter Property Sale in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

9 Tips to Boost Your Chances of a Winter Property Sale in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

The cold winds are blowing, and frost is on the ground. The dark nights are upon us, the heating is on, and woolly hats are at the ready.

Love it or hate it, winter is here, and our thoughts start to turn to the festivities and then the weeks beyond. It’s fair to say that winter can be a quieter time for house sales, but winter can also be an excellent time for you to sell your property.

Some people will take the opportunity of the dark evenings indoors to look around online at what’s for sale in their chosen area. And if they’re looking now, what a great time to sell your home.

To make the most of those winter buyers, here, we at Woodhouse look at nine tips to boost your chances of selling your home in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire this winter.

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Are Mortgage Overpayments Good or Bad for Cheshunt Homeowners?

Are Mortgage Overpayments Good or Bad for Cheshunt Homeowners?

What are the benefits of overpayments?

An overpayment now means you’re saving money in the future, as you’re effectively reducing the debt and the interest on the amount you borrowed to buy your property. So, as the big supermarket says: every little helps. 

By making overpayments, you’re also increasing the equity in your home as you’ll own more of it than you would by making your contracted monthly payment. And every overpayment is a tiny step closer to being mortgage-free.

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Changing Property Trends: What’s In and What’s Out in Cheshunt

Changing Property Trends: What’s In and What’s Out in Cheshunt

If you’re looking to market your home, read on to find out what’s hot and what’s not in the property world. 

Forget trend forecasters and property commentators; if it’s insight into housing trends that you want, turn your attention to estate agents. 

As agents spend so much time looking around people’s homes, they have their finger on the pulse when it comes to changing property tastes. 

And they use this knowledge when they write the marketing descriptions that you see on property portals. These are designed to show a home at its best and attract suitable buyers. 

Now, Rightmove has analysed the marketing material that appears on its website by looking closely at the features most commonly listed by estate agents. The results reveal the changing preferences and priorities of Brits in 2022. 

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Read This Before You Commit to Insulating Your Cheshunt Home

Read This Before You Commit to Insulating Your Cheshunt Home

Get it right, and insulation can add value to your Cheshunt home. Get it wrong, and it could be difficult to get a mortgage for your property. Read on to find out why. 

With energy prices sky-high and global warming a pressing issue, many homeowners are looking to insulate their homes. 

While there are many benefits associated with insulation, one issue you should consider before committing to work at your property relates to a product called polyurethane foam, also known as spray foam. It is power-sprayed in liquid form, often in lofts and walls, where it then expands and sets. 

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How to Maximise your Budget and Buy Your Dream Cheshunt & Broxbourne Home

How to Maximise your Budget and Buy Your Dream Cheshunt & Broxbourne Home

Buying a home comes with a lot of dreams, needs and wants, but there’s another consideration, too – budget. Whether you’re taking your first step on the property ladder or moving on to bigger and better things, how can you make every pound count? 

Maximising your budget might seem impossible; after all, a downstairs WC is a must, and you’ve always hoped for a driveway. But are these wants and desires preventing you from finding something you can actually afford?

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The Good Sense Guide to Selling Your Cheshunt Home

The Good Sense Guide to Selling Your Cheshunt Home

Homebuyers are heavily influenced by what they see, smell and hear, so here’s a guide to ensuring your property appeals to their senses.  

Did you know that when it comes to impressing a buyer, you have just half a minute to knock their socks off? 

Yes, you read that right. Most buyers decide if a property is the one for them in the first 30 seconds of a viewing. 


So, with so much at stake in that short time, how do you make a good impression? Read on to find out.

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Keep Calm and Carry On: Dealing with Property Chain Uncertainty in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough

Keep Calm and Carry On: Dealing with Property Chain Uncertainty in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough

The economic events of recent months have prompted plenty of to-ing and fro-ing in the housing market. 

While some buyers and sellers in Cheshuntand Broxbourne Borough have paused to consider their situations, others have put their foot on the gas to get deals swiftly across the line.

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Tips to Prevent Your Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Sale from Falling Through

Tips to Prevent Your Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Sale from Falling Through

A third of all property sales collapse before completion. How can you ensure yours isn’t one of them? Read on to find out. 

Selling a property isn’t a sprint; it can be a marathon. It takes time to market a home, find the best buyer, agree on a price and then deal with the legal paperwork. So, it’s all the more frustrating when a deal collapses – especially if you’re within touching distance of the finish line.  

But with reports of around 31% of property sales falling through before completion, is it simply a case of bad luck? Or are there ways to minimise your chances of disappointment? 

While there’s never a 100% guarantee you’ll complete your deal, it’s useful to understand the reasons why sales collapse so that you can take steps to avoid them.

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What Type of Survey Do I Need When Buying a House in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough?

What Type of Survey Do I Need When Buying a House in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough?

Buying a house in Cheshunt and Surrounding Areas is such an exciting time. Looking at areas, looking at different styles of property, different gardens, locations, schools,

transport links….and of course, no one loves looking at property more than us!

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Six Tips on Finding a Good Lawyer for Cheshunt Buyers and Sellers

Six Tips on Finding a Good Lawyer for Cheshunt Buyers and Sellers

To prevent your property deal from progressing at a snail’s pace – or falling through altogether – you’ll need a good lawyer. Here’s how to find one. 

Once you’ve agreed a deal to sell or buy a property, the next step is to instruct a lawyer to handle all the relevant searches, paperwork and enquiries.  

It can be tempting to go with the cheapest lawyer you can find or the first one you come across on the high street, but it’s worth doing your research.


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Why Home Sellers in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Need Good Agents Now More Than Ever

Why Home Sellers in Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough Need Good Agents Now More Than Ever

The last two years have been hectic for the Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough property market.  

But now, the market is slowing down, and homes are not selling as fast as they once were.  

It’s also becoming harder to sell a home for a premium price.  

Add to that the cost of living crisis and other global events hitting us in our collective pockets. 

The good news is it’s still possible to achieve an excellent price for your home if the estate agent working with you knows how. 

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Gloom, Doom, Busts and Booms

Gloom, Doom, Busts and Booms

You’d be forgiven for adopting a head-in-the-sand approach to current affairs.

Listening to a news bulletin filled with the energy crisis, the war in Ukraine, cost of living surges and political uncertainty are enough to put anyone on a downer.

The clouds of gloom and doom have gathered over the Cheshunt and Broxbourne Borough property market.

Will there be a house price crash is a common feature for many involved in the media to discuss.

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A Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Market Update

A Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough Property Market Update

Crisis. Turmoil. Unprecedented.

These were words rarely used pre-pandemic.

Now they’ve become staples of our nation’s news coverage.

And this week, they have been used more than ever to report on the economic waves caused by the Chancellor’s mini-budget last week.

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Home Improvement Ideas to Help You Sell Your Cheshunt Property

Home Improvement Ideas to Help You Sell Your Cheshunt Property

Whether you’re a DIY kind of person or prefer to hire a professional, home improvements are on the up.  

Since the pandemic, savvy homeowners have been looking for ways to make their properties more comfortable and more desirable to future buyers.  

So, what are the most popular home improvement trends?

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Moving House? Top Tips to Reduce Your Stress

Moving House? Top Tips to Reduce Your Stress

There’s no doubt about it, moving home is one of the most stressful life events you can go through. As you wade through boxes, try to settle the kids, hunt for the toaster, and pay off all the moving bills, you’ll probably be trying not to scream and lose your cool. 

So, what’s the solution? Can you make a house move less hectic for all those involved? 

We think so. Here’s our ultimate moving checklist. You can thank us later.

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These Mistakes Could Lose You Your Dream Property

These Mistakes Could Lose You Your Dream Property

If you’re looking for a new home, time is of the essence. The market is competitive, it seems like prices are always going up, and there’s a lot to get organised. But don’t fret – we’re here to help.


While buying a property is never stress-free, avoiding some common mistakes can make the process a little easier.


In this quick read, we look at ways that buyers can avoid losing the race towards purchasing their dream property.

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A Quick Guide for First-Time Renters in the Cheshunt Area

A Quick Guide for First-Time Renters in the Cheshunt Area

Are you a renting newbie? Are you flying your family’s comfy nest? Well, this one’s for you. Renting your first place isn’t as simple as moving in and unpacking – there’s a lot you need to know. 

In this quick read, we help you prepare to sign on the dotted line and start your first tenancy. 


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Surprising Things Buyers Want from a Property in 2022

Surprising Things Buyers Want from a Property in 2022

Many buyers say that hunting for a new home is like looking for a healthy, low-calorie meal in a greasy spoon café… not easy. As well as wanting the right property in the right location, they usually have a long checklist to satisfy before even viewing a property. 

If you’re selling, it’s useful to know what buyers are looking for so that you can get the marketing spot on. 

This quick read looks at what buyers want most from a home in 2022. 

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What First-Time Sellers in Cheshunt Need to Know

What First-Time Sellers in Cheshunt Need to Know

Selling a property for the first time? Here’s a helpful guide to help you navigate the process. A two-minute read.

Putting your property on the market can be stressful at the best of times, and even more so if you’ve never done it before. But don’t worry. With planning and preparation, you can avoid some common property pitfalls.

Let’s assume that you’ve made up your mind that it’s time to sell. Here are the next steps that you need to take.

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A Helpful Guide to Selling Property to Pay for Care Costs

A Helpful Guide to Selling Property to Pay for Care Costs

If you or a loved one need to move into a care home or require home care, you might be considering selling your property to pay for the costs. This is a difficult decision, and there’s a lot to consider.


It’s important to go through all the proper steps when considering long-term costs, and this article is not a definitive guide on what you should do.


Instead, in this three-minute read, we offer some helpful advice about the process and what to do.

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Get the Picture: Why Sellers Should Use High-Quality Property Photos

Get the Picture: Why Sellers Should Use High-Quality Property Photos

Snap Decision: Reasons to Use High-Quality Property Photos to Sell Your Cheshunt Home


When selling a home, good-quality property photos help you attract more buyers and achieve a higher asking price. What’s not to love? A three-minute read.


One of the golden rules of property selling is not to skimp on photography. And you don’t have to take our word for it – look at the results of a recent survey of home buyers.*

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The Interior Styles That Could Add £10k to the Price of Your Home

The Interior Styles That Could Add £10k to the Price of Your Home

Here at Woodhouse,  we’ve been telling our clients for years to ditch the clutter and get the décor spot on to secure a top sale. Well now a survey has proved us right!

The study* found that two in five buyers look for a property that matches their own personal taste in interiors. (The split was 46% of men and 36% of women, dispelling the myth that women are the fussier sex.)

 Now, you may be wondering why buyers get so hung up on cosmetic details. After all, it’s easy enough to paint a few walls if you don’t like a colour scheme, and you’re buying a property, not the furniture.

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Downsizers: What Do They Want in a Property?

Downsizers: What Do They Want in a Property?

What do downsizers, a growing force in the housing market, want? Check out this two-minute read to find out.


Downsizers are emerging as increasingly influential players in the property market, with a growing number of over-55s selling up and buying less expensive properties.


Last year, 181,000 people downsized* – the highest number in five years (source: Hamptons, 2021).

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What Hertfordshire Buyers Need to Know When Looking for a Mortgage

What Hertfordshire Buyers Need to Know When Looking for a Mortgage

If you’re new to mortgages, you’ll be forgiven for feeling a little bit overwhelmed. There’s a lot to sort out before applying for one and there are so many different types – it’s hard to know what to go for.


Whether you choose a high street lender or a more specialist one, it’s always worth talking to a mortgage broker to understand what you can afford to borrow and how much you’ll be repaying monthly.


When looking for a mortgage, you’ll need to provide certain information to the lender such as payslips or proof of income, photo ID and proof of address. You may also need to show them account details of where the mortgage payments will be made from, details of any other mortgages or debt and proof of funds.

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Four Things to Consider When Buying a ‘Doer-Upper’ in Cheshunt or Surrounding Areas

Four Things to Consider When Buying a ‘Doer-Upper’ in Cheshunt or Surrounding Areas

When searching for a new home, do you scroll past properties that look a little worse for wear? You know the ones, where the carpet hasn’t been changed since the 70s and the floral wallpaper is curling off the walls?

Lots of buyers look for newly renovated or new-build homes due to fear of the doer-upper. If that sounds like you, we’re here to tell you that you’re potentially missing out.

Older, unloved properties may look scary, but they’re often hiding bags of potential.

Here’s what to consider when buying a doer-upper.

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Can Nice Smells Help Sell Homes?

Can Nice Smells Help Sell Homes?

Have you got a big one? A small one? Maybe you’ve got a wonky one.

Whatever its shape or size, we’ve all got one.

We’re talking about your hooter. Smack bang in the middle of your face; the nose is a great tool when trying to sell your home.

Known as ‘scent branding’, businesses all over the world are investing in signature scents to harness the power of smells, memories, and emotion.


In simple terms, a nice smell can help your property stand out in a crowded market.

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The Key to Getting Top Price for Your Cheshunt & Herts Home (Hint: Choose a Great Estate Agent)

The Key to Getting Top Price for Your Cheshunt & Herts Home (Hint: Choose a Great Estate Agent)

What separates a mediocre estate agent from an exceptional one? It’s not what they say; it’s what they do.


While some agents talk a big game, in reality they just go through the motions. But great agents (and we like to think that here at Woodhouse Property Consultants Ltd we fall into that category) go all out to get the very best deal.


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Want to Achieve Top Asking Price for Your Cheshunt and Herts Home? Join a Winning Team

Want to Achieve Top Asking Price for Your Cheshunt and Herts Home? Join a Winning Team

Selling a home is not a solo project – well, not if you hope to achieve top selling price. A three-minute read.


If there’s one piece of property advice worth remembering, it’s this: be wary of anyone who tells you that selling a home is so easy that you should do it yourself.


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Quick Tips for First-Time Buyers in Cheshunt

Quick Tips for First-Time Buyers in Cheshunt

Taking that first step on the property ladder is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. No matter how old you are, buying your first property will make you feel like a proper grown-up.


Before you even find the right property, there’s lots to learn, so in this quick read, we’ve pulled together our top five tips for first-time buyers.

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How Cheshunt Sellers Can Secure a Top Sale and Their Dream Home

How Cheshunt Sellers Can Secure a Top Sale and Their Dream Home

Are you thinking of selling your Cheshunt & Broxbourne Borough home? Then let’s look at two trends that have dominated the market over the past year and see what they mean for you. 

Demand is strong

Many people predicted that the robust demand seen in early 2021 would fizzle out when the Stamp Duty holiday ended – but they were wrong! 



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Why First-Time Movers in Cheshunt Are Banking on Mum and Dad

Why First-Time Movers in Cheshunt Are Banking on Mum and Dad

This two-minute read looks at parents’ integral role in helping young people get on the property ladder.

There’s one financial institution that never seems to go out of fashion, and that’s the dear old Bank of Mum and Dad (or BOMAD for people who like acronyms).

About half of all first-time buyers (FTBs) last year relied on BOMAD, with parents dishing out a record £9.8 billion to help their offspring get on the property ladder.1 The average contribution was £58,000. 

And in the past ten years, BOMAD has coughed up £54 billion, assisting 1.4 million buyers.2

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Think Carefully about Selling Your Home Due to Financial Reasons

Think Carefully about Selling Your Home Due to Financial Reasons

If you’re experiencing financial difficulties, you may be considering selling your home. This is a very challenging decision and needs to be given some serious thought.

In this two-minute read, we look at some areas to think about before you decide whether to sell your property or not.

This piece is not meant to offer financial advice. We recommend speaking to a financial expert before making any big decisions.


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Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Property Market Update for March 2022

Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Property Market Update for March 2022

Welcome to the Cheshunt and Hertfordshire Property Market Update for March 2022.  New instructions were up, sales were up but is the Market starting to shows signs of stabilising?

Well the answer is still Not yet. Although more properties have been listed for sale in February compared to January, the level of choice for buyers is still low and is 26% below the number of properties which were available for sale in February 2021, but slowly the choice is starting to grow.

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Should You Buy a New-Build Property in Goffs Oak?

Should You Buy a New-Build Property in Goffs Oak?

When you visit a show home, it’s easy to imagine yourself sitting at the beautifully laid table, sinking back into the comfy sofa or settling in for a night’s sleep in a luxury bedroom. Every room has been set up to tempt you. But is a new-build home really the right choice for you and your budget?

We’ve explored some of the plus points of a new-build property.

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What’s Putting Buyers Off Your Property in Cheshunt

What’s Putting Buyers Off Your Property in Cheshunt

So, you’re keen to sell your home in Cheshunt, but you’re just not getting any offers. What’s going on? How can you make your home more attractive to potential buyers?

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The Cheshunt Property Market Update – February 2022

The Cheshunt Property Market Update – February 2022

Welcome to the first housing market report for 2022. It’s been an extremely busy start to the New Year, busier than many people expected after a seasonal slow down in December.  When we re-opened after the New Year,it has felt like those house buyers have been back out looking in full force.

Many buyers are now starting to get frustrated - it is not unusual to hear that over 12-18 viewings have been booked on a home in Cheshunt and surrounding areas and that they are all proceedable buyers. We have had buyers upset that they have missed out and other buyers saying they are getting desperate.

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Best Estate Agent in Cheshunt

Best Estate Agent in Cheshunt

Congratulations on your decision to sell your home in Cheshunt, Hertfordshireand search for a new home. This is an exciting time for you and now is the right moment to consider two highly important elements to make sure you sell your property and locate and purchase your dream property without hassle or stress.

Right now, you may be in the position of not knowing how to sell your property and where or how to start your search, or even what to look at first, and that’s where we come in! Here at Woodhouse we are experts in property sales and searches in Cheshunt and surrounding areas in Hertfordshire and have plenty of useful tips to help you through the process.

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How To Sell a Home in Need Of Repair in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

How To Sell a Home in Need Of Repair in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

Just because your home is a fixer-upper, that doesn’t mean you can’t sell it for a great price. There is a huge market of family DIY-ers and developers that would love to snap up your home and give it a refresh.

Here at Woodhouse, we can help sell any property, no matter the condition. But if you’re worried about buy-ability, check out these tips on how to sell a home in need of repair in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.

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Renovation Ideas That Can Add Value to Your Cheshunt, Hertfordshire Home

Renovation Ideas That Can Add Value to Your Cheshunt, Hertfordshire Home

It’s no secret that home renovations can give your home a boost in value. But knowing which DIY projects will reap the most benefits is a tricky one.

If you’re selling up in the next few years, being selective about what you renovate is always a wise choice. Some renovations are worth more in resale value than others.


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It’s Indoor House Plant Week – Cheshunt Homeowner – Help Boost Your Mood And Sell Your Home!

It’s Indoor House Plant Week – Cheshunt Homeowner – Help Boost Your Mood And Sell Your Home!

National Indoor Plants Week promotes the importance of live plants in interior spaces.

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Will house prices rise in Cheshunt in 2022?

Will house prices rise in Cheshunt in 2022?

What is the outlook for the housing market next year?

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What Should Cheshunt Landlords Be Buying to Maximise Profits?

What Should Cheshunt Landlords Be Buying to Maximise Profits?

Whether you’re an established landlord or a first-time investor, you’ll probably be thinking about what to buy: a ready-to-go rental or a doer-upper. Which one should you pick?


Currently, lots of changes are being made around rental rules, and reports claim that many landlords are selling up. However, there are still plenty of investors making their move into the rental space. And with the UK facing a possible decline in house prices, now may be the right time for you.


But what do you buy?

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A Landlord’s Guide to HMOs in Cheshunt and Surrounding Area

A Landlord’s Guide to HMOs in Cheshunt and Surrounding Area

As a landlord, you might be thinking about how to get more value from your property. While the rental market for single tenancies is booming, have you considered a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)?

These days, HMOs are big business. In simple terms, it’s where a single property is made into multiple dwellings. And currently, the rental market is crying out for more.

HMOs are no longer dingy bedsits of the past, they’re more like high-quality studio apartments under one roof.

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Joint Tenancies: What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know

Joint Tenancies: What Cheshunt Landlords Need to Know

When they run smoothly, joint tenancies can be a good source of income for landlords. This three-minute read explains how to get the best out of them.


Joint tenancies are a great way for friends or couples to live together and share the rental burden. (Think about best buddies and flatmates Joey and Chandler in Friends, they had a ball, right?)


And joint tenancies can also be good news for landlords, providing steady long-term income and low tenant turnover. (If your tenants are happy and get along like Joey and Chandler, they’ll stay for years.)

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